1. Laudable (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): (of an action, idea, or goal) deserving praise and commendation.
- Meaning (Hindi): प्रशंसनीय (praśansanīya)
- Synonyms: Praiseworthy, commendable, admirable
- Antonyms: Disgraceful, shameful, deplorable
- Example: The doctor’s dedication to her patients was laudable.
- Related Words: Laud (verb), Laudably (adverb)
2. Multilateral (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): Agreed upon or participated in by three or more parties, especially the governments of different countries.
- Meaning (Hindi): बहुपक्षीय (bahupakshīya)
- Synonyms: Many-sided, multipartite
- Antonyms: Unilateral, bilateral
- Example: The countries engaged in multilateral trade negotiations to reduce tariffs.
- Related Words: Multilaterally (adverb)
3. Jurisdiction (Noun)
- Meaning (English): The official power to make legal decisions and judgments.
- Meaning (Hindi): न्यायक्षेत्र (nyāyakṣētra)
- Synonyms: Authority, control, power
- Antonyms: Submission, impotence
- Example: The court had jurisdiction over cases involving residents of the county.
- Related Words: Jurisdictional (adjective)
4. Threshold (Noun)
- Meaning (English): The magnitude or intensity that must be exceeded for a certain reaction, phenomenon, result, or condition to occur or be manifested.
- Meaning (Hindi): सीमा (sīmā)
- Synonyms: Limit, boundary, starting point
- Antonyms: End, finish, termination
- Example: The company had to reach a certain sales threshold to qualify for bonuses.
- Related Words: Threshold (adjective)
5. Consensus (Noun)
- Meaning (English): A general agreement.
- Meaning (Hindi): सर्वसम्मति (sarvasammati)
- Synonyms: Agreement, harmony, accord
- Antonyms: Disagreement, discord, conflict
- Example: The team reached a consensus on the best way to proceed with the project.
- Related Words: Consensual (adjective)
6. Marine (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): Relating to or found in the sea.
- Meaning (Hindi): समुद्री (samudrī)
- Synonyms: Aquatic, oceanic, maritime
- Antonyms: Terrestrial
- Example: The marine biologist studied the behavior of dolphins in the wild.
- Related Words: Mariner (noun)
7. Exacerbate (Verb)
- Meaning (English): Make (a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling) worse.
- Meaning (Hindi): बढ़ाना (baṛhānā)
- Synonyms: Aggravate, worsen, intensify
- Antonyms: Improve, alleviate, reduce
- Example: Stress can exacerbate health problems like heart disease and anxiety.
- Related Words: Exacerbation (noun)
8. Repercussion (Noun)
- Meaning (English): An unintended consequence occurring some time after an event or action, especially an unwelcome one.
- Meaning (Hindi): प्रतिक्रिया (pratikriyā)
- Synonyms: Consequence, effect, outcome
- Antonyms: Cause, origin, source
- Example: The company’s decision to lay off workers had repercussions for the local economy.
- Related Words: Repercussive (adjective)
9. Ambitious (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): Having or showing a strong desire and determination to succeed.
- Meaning (Hindi): महत्वाकांक्षी (mahattvākaṅkshī)
- Synonyms: Aspiring, determined, driven
- Antonyms: Unmotivated, lazy, complacent
- Example: The ambitious young entrepreneur hoped to start her own business.
- Related Words: Ambition (noun)
10. Geopolitical (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): Relating to the study of the geographical factors in world politics.
- Meaning (Hindi): भू-राजनीतिक (bhū-rājanītik)
- Synonyms: Political, geographical, international
- Antonyms: N/A
- Example: The geopolitical tensions between the two countries led to increased military spending.
- Related Words: Geopolitics (noun)
11. Contentious (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): Causing or likely to cause an argument; controversial.
- Meaning (Hindi): विवादास्पद (vivādaspad)
- Synonyms: Controversial, disputable, debatable
- Antonyms: Uncontroversial, agreeable
- Example: The new tax law was a contentious issue in the election.
- Related Words: Contention (noun)
12. Accountability (Noun)
- Meaning (English): The fact or condition of being accountable; responsibility.
- Meaning (Hindi): जवाबदेही (javābdehī)
- Synonyms: Responsibility, liability, answerability
- Antonyms: Irresponsibility, unreliability
- Example: The company emphasized accountability and transparency in its business practices.
- Related Words: Accountable (adjective)
13. Equitable (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): Fair and impartial.
- Meaning (Hindi): न्यायसंगत (nyāyasangat)
- Synonyms: Fair, just, impartial
- Antonyms: Unfair, unjust, biased
- Example: The judge made an equitable decision that satisfied both parties.
- Related Words: Equity (noun)
14. Vulnerable (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): Susceptible to physical or emotional attack or harm.
- Meaning (Hindi): कमजोर (kamzor)
- Synonyms: At risk, endangered, susceptible
- Antonyms: Safe, protected, secure
- Example: The elderly are particularly vulnerable to the flu.
- Related Words: Vulnerability (noun)
15. Perpetuate (Verb)
- Meaning (English): Make (something, typically an undesirable situation or an unfounded belief) continue indefinitely.
- Meaning (Hindi): स्थायी बनाना (sthāyī banānā)
- Synonyms: Continue, preserve, maintain
- Antonyms: Stop, end, discontinue
- Example: The stereotypes perpetuated in the media can be harmful to minority groups.
- Related Words: Perpetual (adjective)
16. Cascade (Verb)
- Meaning (English): (of water) pour downward rapidly and in large quantities.
- Meaning (Hindi): झरना (jharanā)
- Synonyms: Pour, flow, gush
- Antonyms: Drip, trickle
- Example: The waterfall cascaded down the rocks into the pool below.
- Related Words: Cascade (noun)
17. Hazardous (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): Risky; dangerous.
- Meaning (Hindi): खतरनाक (khatarnāk)
- Synonyms: Dangerous, risky, perilous
- Antonyms: Safe, secure
- Example: The workers were exposed to hazardous chemicals without proper safety equipment.
- Related Words: Hazard (noun)
18. Deplete (Verb)
- Meaning (English): Use up the supply or resources of.
- Meaning (Hindi): कम करना (kam karnā)
- Synonyms: Reduce, exhaust, consume
- Antonyms: Increase, replenish, augment
- Example: Overfishing has depleted the fish population in the ocean.
- Related Words: Depletion (noun)
19. Hinge (Verb)
- Meaning (English): Depend entirely on.
- Meaning (Hindi): निर्भर होना (nirbhar honā)
- Synonyms: Depend, rely, pivot
- Antonyms: N/A
- Example: The success of the project hinges on the team’s ability to work together effectively.
- Related Words: Hinge (noun)
20. Reconcile (Verb)
- Meaning (English): Restore friendly relations between.
- Meaning (Hindi): मेल-मिलाप करना (mēl-milāp karnā)
- Synonyms: Reunite, conciliate, harmonize
- Antonyms: Divide, separate, estrange
- Example: The two brothers finally reconciled after years of feuding.
- Related Words: Reconciliation (noun)