1. Bureau (Noun)
- Meaning (English): An office or department for a specific purpose.
- Meaning (Hindi): एक कार्यालय या विभाग विशेष उद्देश्य के लिए।
- Synonyms: Agency, Division
- Antonyms: Individual, Person
- Example: The bureau is responsible for managing public records.
- Related Words: Bureaucracy, Bureaucrat
2. Privatization (Noun)
- Meaning (English): The transfer of ownership from the public sector to private individuals or organizations.
- Meaning (Hindi): सार्वजनिक क्षेत्र से निजी व्यक्तियों या संगठनों के स्वामित्व में स्थानांतरण।
- Synonyms: Deregulation, Divestiture
- Antonyms: Nationalization, Public ownership
- Example: The privatization of the company led to significant changes.
- Related Words: Privatize, Private
3. Detained (Verb)
- Meaning (English): To keep someone in custody or under restraint.
- Meaning (Hindi): किसी को हिरासत में रखना या रोकना।
- Synonyms: Held, Confined
- Antonyms: Released, Freed
- Example: The suspects were detained for further questioning.
- Related Words: Detention, Detain
4. Legislation (Noun)
- Meaning (English): Laws, considered collectively.
- Meaning (Hindi): कानून, सामूहिक रूप से विचार किया गया।
- Synonyms: Law, Statute
- Antonyms: Anarchy, Lawlessness
- Example: New legislation was introduced to protect the environment.
- Related Words: Legislative, Legislator
5. Seizure (Noun)
- Meaning (English): The act of taking possession of something.
- Meaning (Hindi): किसी चीज़ पर कब्जा करने की क्रिया।
- Synonyms: Confiscation, Capture
- Antonyms: Release, Surrender
- Example: The police made a seizure of illegal goods.
- Related Words: Seize, Seizing
6. Accusation (Noun)
- Meaning (English): A charge of wrongdoing.
- Meaning (Hindi): गलत काम का आरोप।
- Synonyms: Allegation, Charge
- Antonyms: Defense, Exoneration
- Example: The accusation was proven false after the investigation.
- Related Words: Accuse, Accusing
7. Surveillance (Noun)
- Meaning (English): Close observation, especially of a suspected spy or criminal.
- Meaning (Hindi): निकट अवलोकन, विशेष रूप से संदिग्ध जासूस या अपराधी का।
- Synonyms: Monitoring, Observation
- Antonyms: Ignorance, Neglect
- Example: The area was under constant surveillance by the police.
- Related Words: Surveil, Surveillant
8. Bilateral (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): Involving two parties, usually countries.
- Meaning (Hindi): दो पक्षों, आमतौर पर देशों को शामिल करना।
- Synonyms: Two-sided, Mutual
- Antonyms: Unilateral, Multilateral
- Example: The countries signed a bilateral agreement to enhance trade.
- Related Words: Bilaterally
9. Consensus (Noun)
- Meaning (English): General agreement among a group.
- Meaning (Hindi): एक समूह के बीच सामान्य सहमति।
- Synonyms: Agreement, Accord
- Antonyms: Disagreement, Conflict
- Example: The committee reached a consensus on the proposed changes.
- Related Words: Consensual, Consent
10. Amendment (Noun)
- Meaning (English): A change or addition designed to improve a text, piece of legislation, etc.
- Meaning (Hindi): एक पाठ, कानून आदि में सुधार करने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया परिवर्तन या जोड़।
- Synonyms: Modification, Revision
- Antonyms: Repeal, Withdrawal
- Example: The amendment to the bill was passed unanimously.
- Related Words: Amend, Amending