1. Condemn (verb)
- Meaning (English): To express complete disapproval of, typically in public; censure.
- Meaning (Hindi): निंदा करना (ninda karna)
- Synonyms: Denounce, Censure, Criticize
- Antonyms: Praise, Commend, Approve
- Example: The United Nations condemned the human rights abuses.
- Related Words: Condemnation, Condemnatory
2. Radical (adjective)
- Meaning (English): (especially of change or action) relating to or affecting the fundamental nature of something; far-reaching or thorough.
- Meaning (Hindi): आमूल परिवर्तनकारी (amool parivartankaari)
- Synonyms: Extreme, Drastic, Revolutionary
- Antonyms: Moderate, Conservative, Superficial
- Example: The government proposed radical changes to the healthcare system.
- Related Words: Radically, Radicalism
3. Precinct (noun)
- Meaning (English): A district of a city or town as defined for police purposes.
- Meaning (Hindi): परिक्षेत्र (parikshetra)
- Synonyms: District, Area, Zone
- Antonyms: Whole, Entirety, Totality
- Example: The police officer patrolled his precinct.
- Related Words: Precincts, Precincting
4. Fringe (noun)
- Meaning (English): The outer, marginal, or extreme part of an area, group, or sphere of activity.
- Meaning (Hindi): किनारा (kinaara)
- Synonyms: Edge, Periphery, Border
- Antonyms: Centre, Core, Mainstream
- Example: The radical fringe group was responsible for the bombing.
- Related Words: Fringes, Fringing
5. Reclaim (verb)
- Meaning (English): To retrieve or recover (something previously lost, given, or paid); obtain the return of.
- Meaning (Hindi): पुनः प्राप्त करना (punah praapt karna)
- Synonyms: Recover, Retrieve, Regain
- Antonyms: Lose, Forfeit, Relinquish
- Example: The company reclaimed its losses through a lawsuit.
- Related Words: Reclaiming, Reclaimed
6. Categorically (adverb)
- Meaning (English): In a way that is unambiguously explicit and direct.
- Meaning (Hindi): स्पष्ट रूप से (spasht roop se)
- Synonyms: Absolutely, Explicitly, Unequivocally
- Antonyms: Ambiguously, Vaguely, Equivocally
- Example: The defendant categorically denied the charges against him.
- Related Words: Categorical, Category
7. Mushroom (verb)
- Meaning (English): To increase, spread, or develop rapidly.
- Meaning (Hindi): तेजी से बढ़ना (tezi se badhna)
- Synonyms: Increase, Grow, Expand
- Antonyms: Decrease, Shrink, Diminish
- Example: The number of complaints mushroomed after the new policy was implemented.
- Related Words: Mushroomed, Mushrooming
8. Affirm (verb)
- Meaning (English): To state as a fact; assert strongly and publicly.
- Meaning (Hindi): पुष्टि करना (pushti karna)
- Synonyms: Assert, Declare, State
- Antonyms: Deny, Reject, Refute
- Example: The witness affirmed that she saw the defendant at the crime scene.
- Related Words: Affirmation, Affirmative
9. Writ (noun)
- Meaning (English): A form of written command in the name of a court or other legal authority to act, or abstain from acting, in some way.
- Meaning (Hindi): रिट (rit)
- Synonyms: Order, Decree, Warrant
- Antonyms: Disobedience, Defiance, Refusal
- Example: The court issued a writ of habeas corpus.
- Related Words: Writs, Writting
10. Surge (verb)
- Meaning (English): To increase suddenly and powerfully.
- Meaning (Hindi): अचानक बढ़ोतरी (achanak badhotri)
- Synonyms: Increase, Rise, Escalate
- Antonyms: Decrease, Fall, Decline
- Example: The price of oil surged after the hurricane.
- Related Words: Surging, Surged
11. Plea (noun)
- Meaning (English): A request made in an urgent and emotional manner.
- Meaning (Hindi): निवेदन (nivedan)
- Synonyms: Request, Appeal, Entreaty
- Antonyms: Demand, Command, Order
- Example: The defendant made a plea for leniency.
- Related Words: Plead, Pleading
12. Implead (verb)
- Meaning (English): To bring (someone) into a lawsuit as a defendant.
- Meaning (Hindi): मुकदमा दायर करना (mukadma daayar karna)
- Synonyms: Sue, Prosecute, Litigate
- Antonyms: Defend, Exonerate, Vindicate
- Example: The company was impleaded in the class action lawsuit.
- Related Words: Impleading, Impleaded
13. Hiatus (noun)
- Meaning (English): A pause or gap in a sequence, series, or process.
- Meaning (Hindi): अंतराल (antaraal)
- Synonyms: Pause, Break, Interruption
- Antonyms: Continuation, Continuity, Progression
- Example: The band took a hiatus after their lead singer left.
- Related Words: Hiatuses, Hiatal
14. Precinct (noun)
- Meaning (English): A district of a city or town as defined for police purposes.
- Meaning (Hindi): परिक्षेत्र (parikshetra)
- Synonyms: District, Area, Zone
- Antonyms: Whole, Entirety, Totality
- Example: The police officer patrolled his precinct.
- Related Words: Precincts, Precincting
15. Encroachment (noun)
- Meaning (English): Intrusion on a person’s territory, rights, etc.
- Meaning (Hindi): अतिक्रमण (atikraman)
- Synonyms: Intrusion, Invasion, Trespassing
- Antonyms: Respect, Retreat, Withdrawal
- Example: The encroachment of the settlers on the indigenous people’s land led to conflict.
- Related Words: Encroach, Encroaching
16. Mandate (verb)
- Meaning (English): To give (someone) authority to act in a certain way.
- Meaning (Hindi): आदेश देना (aadesh dena)
- Synonyms: Order, Direct, Instruct
- Antonyms: Forbid, Prohibit, Ban
- Example: The new law mandates that all drivers must wear seatbelts.
- Related Words: Mandatory, Mandated
17. Bar (verb)
- Meaning (English): To prevent or prohibit (someone) from doing something or from going somewhere.
- Meaning (Hindi): रोकना (rokna)
- Synonyms: Prevent, Prohibit, Forbid
- Antonyms: Allow, Permit, Sanction
- Example: The security guard barred the protesters from entering the building.
- Related Words: Barred, Barring
18. Auspicious (adjective)
- Meaning (English): Conducive to success; favorable.
- Meaning (Hindi): शुभ (shubh)
- Synonyms: Favorable, Propitious, Lucky
- Antonyms: Inauspicious, Unfavorable, Unlucky
- Example: The wedding took place on an auspicious day.
- Related Words: Auspiciously, Auspiciousness
19. Centenary (noun)
- Meaning (English): A period of a hundred years.
- Meaning (Hindi): शताब्दी (shataabdi)
- Synonyms: Century, Centennial
- Antonyms: Millennium, Decade, Year
- Example: The city celebrated its centenary with a parade.
- Related Words: Centenaries, Centenary
20. Egalitarian (adjective)
- Meaning (English): Believing in or based on the principle that all people are equal and deserve equal rights and opportunities.
- Meaning (Hindi): समतावादी (samtavadi)
- Synonyms: Equalitarian, Democratic
- Antonyms: Elitist, Aristocratic, Hierarchical
- Example: The egalitarian society provided equal opportunities for all its citizens.
- Related Words: Egalitarianism, Egalitarianly