1. Subversion (Noun)
- Meaning (English): The act of undermining or overthrowing an established system or institution.
- Meaning (Hindi): विद्रोह
- Synonyms: Undermining, sabotage, overthrow
- Antonyms: Support, loyalty, adherence
- Example: The group was accused of subversion against the government.
- Related Words: Subvert (Verb), Subversive (Adjective)
2. Manifesto (Noun)
- Meaning (English): A public declaration of intentions, motives, or views, especially in political contexts.
- Meaning (Hindi): घोषणापत्र
- Synonyms: Declaration, proclamation, statement
- Antonyms: Secret, concealment
- Example: The party released its manifesto before the elections.
- Related Words: Manifest (Verb), Manifestation (Noun)
3. Agrarian (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): Relating to cultivated land or the cultivation of land.
- Meaning (Hindi): कृषि संबंधी
- Synonyms: Agricultural, rural, farming
- Antonyms: Urban, industrial
- Example: Agrarian reforms are essential for improving farmers’ livelihoods.
- Related Words: Agronomy (Noun), Agrarianism (Noun)
4. Scramble (Verb)
- Meaning (English): To move quickly and in a confused way.
- Meaning (Hindi): भागना
- Synonyms: Rush, Hasten
- Antonyms: Linger, Delay
- Example: They had to scramble to finish the project on time.
- Related Words: Scramble (Noun), Scrambler (Noun)
5. Amendment (Noun)
- Meaning (English): A change or addition designed to improve a text, piece of legislation, etc.
- Meaning (Hindi): संशोधन
- Synonyms: Revision, Modification
- Antonyms: Repeal, Abrogation
- Example: The amendment to the law was passed unanimously.
- Related Words: Amend (Verb), Amender (Noun)
6. Sops (Noun)
- Meaning (English): Something was given to placate or appease someone.
- Meaning (Hindi): उपहार
- Synonyms: Bribe, inducement, incentive
- Antonyms: Punishment, penalty
- Example: The government offered sops to win over the voters.
- Related Words: Soporific (Adjective), Sopor (Noun)
7. Tension (Noun)
- Meaning (English): Mental or emotional strain; a state of being stretched tight.
- Meaning (Hindi): तनाव
- Synonyms: Stress, anxiety, pressure
- Antonyms: Relaxation, calm
- Example: There was palpable tension in the room during the debate.
- Related Words: Tense (Adjective), Tensioned (Verb)
8. Significance (Noun)
- Meaning (English): The quality of being worthy of attention; importance.
- Meaning (Hindi): महत्व
- Synonyms: Importance, Meaning
- Antonyms: Insignificance, Unimportance
- Example: The significance of the event was not lost on the attendees.
- Related Words: Significant (Adjective), Significantly (Adverb)
9. Confront (Verb)
- Meaning (English): To face someone in a challenging or hostile manner.
- Meaning (Hindi): सामना करना
- Synonyms: Challenge, face, oppose
- Antonyms: Avoid, evade
- Example: She decided to confront her fears head-on.
- Related Words: Confrontation (Noun), Confrontational (Adjective)
10. Accusation (Noun)
- Meaning (English): A charge of wrongdoing or an assertion that someone has committed an offense.
- Meaning (Hindi): आरोप
- Synonyms: Charge, claim, indictment
- Antonyms: Defense, exoneration
- Example: The accusation was proven false after the investigation.
- Related Words: Accuse (Verb), Accuser (Noun)
11. Mobilising (Verb)
- Meaning (English): To organize or prepare for action.
- Meaning (Hindi): संगठित करना
- Synonyms: Organizing, rallying, assembling
- Antonyms: Disbanding, dispersing
- Example: The community is mobilising for a clean-up drive.
- Related Words: Mobilization (Noun), Mobile (Adjective)
12. Facilitate (Verb)
- Meaning (English): To make an action or process easier.
- Meaning (Hindi): सुगम बनाना
- Synonyms: Assist, enable, aid
- Antonyms: Hinder, obstruct
- Example: The new software will facilitate better communication.
- Related Words: Facilitation (Noun), Facilitator (Noun)
13. Distress (Noun)
- Meaning (English): Extreme anxiety, sorrow, or pain.
- Meaning (Hindi): संकट
- Synonyms: Suffering, Anguish
- Antonyms: Comfort, Relief
- Example: The news caused great distress among the community.
- Related Words: Distressful (Adjective), Distressingly (Adverb)
14. Prioritize (Verb)
- Meaning (English): To designate or treat something as more important than other things.
- Meaning (Hindi): प्राथमिकता देना
- Synonyms: Prefer, emphasize, rank
- Antonyms: Neglect, disregard
- Example: We need to prioritize our health above all else.
- Related Words: Priority (Noun), Prioritization (Noun)
15. Legume (Noun)
- Meaning (English): A plant in the family Fabaceae, or the fruit or seed of such a plant.
- Meaning (Hindi): फलियाँ
- Synonyms: Bean, Pea
- Antonyms: Non-legume (N/A)
- Example: Lentils are a popular type of legume.
- Related Words: Leguminous (Adjective), Leguminousness (Noun)
16. Reimagine (Verb)
- Meaning (English): To imagine again or in a different way.
- Meaning (Hindi): पुनः कल्पना करना
- Synonyms: Redefine, rethink, reconceptualize
- Antonyms: Maintain, preserve
- Example: We need to reimagine our approach to education.
- Related Words: Imagination (Noun), Imaginary (Adjective)
17. Accord (Noun)
- Meaning (English): An official agreement or treaty.
- Meaning (Hindi): संधि
- Synonyms: Agreement, Pact
- Antonyms: Disagreement, Conflict
- Example: The two countries signed an accord to enhance trade relations.
- Related Words: Accordance (Noun), Accordant (Adjective)
18. Facilitation (Noun)
- Meaning (English): The act of making a process easier or more achievable.
- Meaning (Hindi): सुगमता
- Synonyms: Assistance, support, enablement
- Antonyms: Obstruction, hindrance
- Example: The facilitation of discussions led to a fruitful outcome.
- Related Words: Facilitate (Verb), Facilitator (Noun)
19. Conducive (Adjective)
- Meaning (English): Making a certain situation or outcome likely or possible.
- Meaning (Hindi): अनुकूल
- Synonyms: Favorable, beneficial, advantageous
- Antonyms: Detrimental, harmful
- Example: A quiet environment is conducive to studying.
- Related Words: Conduce (Verb), Conduciveness (Noun)
20. Reinforce (Verb)
- Meaning (English): To strengthen or support an idea, behavior, or structure.
- Meaning (Hindi): मजबूत करना
- Synonyms: Strengthen, support, bolster
- Antonyms: Weaken, undermine
- Example: The teacher used examples to reinforce the lesson.
- Related Words: Reinforcement (Noun), Reinforced (Adjective)